Chris Ainslie

Chris Ainslie is an artist who lives in Halfmoon Bay, British Columbia. He works with solid reclaimed cedar, designs it as his canvas and utilizes the grain of the wood into his paintings. With a background in finishing carpentry and having been painting for almost 20 years his work is truly unique.
Chris gets his inspiration from the rugged coasts and forests of British Columbia. After taking numerous photos he selects scenes that work for a specific piece of wood. He also is frequently sent pictures from people who want their view or “special” spot immortalized into a painting. He currently shows his works out of the old community hall in Halfmoon Bay, built in 1947, it has had a diverse history. Chris took it over and began restoring it into the studio / workshop of his dreams. It is called the Minkfarm gallery due to it being a chinchilla farm in the 80s . Viewing is available by appointment and keep an eye out for future open houses at the gallery! Enjoy